Monday, April 13, 2009

Birth Day Boy .. !!

salam again ... hihihihi

Sempena tarih 14.04.2009 ini , kami dari Team Zealous ingin mengucapkan SELAMAT ULANGTAHUN KELAHIRAN Ke- ( biarlah rahsia !! ) ... kepada Mr Kapitan Ariel Cosa Nostra ... supaya dengan SOKONGAN PADU dari BIJAN PAINTBALLS PROSHOP .... Kejayaan Zealous akan bertambah maju dan suksess ...... Dan , cepat - cepatlah menemui jodoh ... dah lama sangat tuuu peram ... hihihih

Dan semuga dapat dan masih bersemangat untuk memimpin Team Zealous di hari - hari yang akan mendatang ...... VIVA ZEALOUS !!


Tunnngguuuuuuu ... Kemunculan THE TIGER TANK ZEALOUS ..... weiiiiiii


  1. YO YO YO YO YO.....Happy Birthday to Captain, Shahril Iqubal. Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki (BIJAN PAINTBALL) hehehe....

  2. ya kapitan .... appy besday ... plzzz dont "GO TO SLEEP"...... its time to wake up bro ... api best day ....

  3. happy besday kapitan..
    selamba dgn bijan paintball.

  4. thanks thanks thanks thank yoU!! to yOU!! n You N yoU n You!!! haha...well areil masih tak boleh join geng cm n denn sorry...nanti la satu masa nanti ia akan sampai :)...btw i just wanna shear bit of my 21st, it was a starting "back"! for me in almost everything that i do paintball, bizz, was a fresh "start back" for me n alhamdulilah im getting to the old me(i mean skills)...thats some of the 21st la...noW 22nd 5min after being 22 "12.05am" i was planing in my head what to do, what is my gold n bla bla..areil tersedar yg, the only thing that fuck up my life now is "paintball" (the things that i love the most), maybe "the ppl" not in the team look or see at us as we r happy n stuff but seriously im NOT!!! the only ppl that keep's me going in en. Dom, DPD"MJ", MuShu the DRAGon, Lil em, emY, en. Shamizan, D-man, C.M, Abg MaiL, DeNn, OhHoY, An, "zEaLoUS" and u know who ;) what i think is that we(zealous) we have done our part i mean part as in aLot!!!.bring back the almost "dead and gone" pun dah!! but when i think back what do we get.. "bad calls" or maybe "shit" or maybe "cHicken" or whatever la i dont give a shit pun...towards the end its us that to be BLAME!!! so this is new me i fuck every one that's try get involve with zealoUS!!! trust me n pls believe me i will fuck your head off..know where u stand n pls remember where we bring u there!! at least show some appreciation...but yeah back to the same shit "we r human every one is not perfect" so i can say if,,,i say if i "kill" someone i say sorry too coz why im just a human, well im not perfect after yeah try your very best to win my heart n the team btw good luck!!! n again thanks team i mean the whole team!! for wishing me in the blog, sms , phone calls, thanks....hope that we can bergotong royong again hehe....werd werd what???? hehe... cheers!!!! n again THANKS YOU!!!
